Python GUI calc
Python GUI experiment. Simple calculator application made with Tk.
It’s a first choice because it’s integrated into Python, simple to use and powerful enough for most cases. It’s also cross platform like an interpreter.
However, there are many other libraries for GUI:
#!/usr/bin/python # Python GUI calculator # (C) 2011 - # Original code by Emanuele Chiabrera # Enhanced by Toropov Ivan from Tkinter import * # button text list cmdlst = ['7', '8', '9', '+', '%', '4', '5', '6', '-', '**', '1', '2', '3', '*', '//', '.', '0', 'CL', '/', '='] class MyButton(Button): backref = None def Click(self): # back reference self.backref.BtnCmd(self["text"]) class CalcApp: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) self.textbox = Entry(width=30, takefocus=1) self.textbox.pack(side=TOP) self.textbox.focus_force() self.buttons = [] for n, c in enumerate(cmdlst): self.buttons.append(MyButton(frame, text=c, width=5)) self.buttons[n]["command"] = self.buttons[n].Click self.buttons[n].backref = self self.buttons[n].grid(row=n/5, column=n%5) frame.pack() def BtnCmd(self, cmd): if cmd == '=': try: res = eval(self.textbox.get()) except: res = "Error!" self.textbox.delete(0, END) self.textbox.insert(0, str(res)) elif cmd == 'CL': self.textbox.delete(0, END) else: self.textbox.insert(END, cmd) root = Tk() root.title("EWCalc") calcapp = CalcApp(root) root.mainloop()
What comes out: